Nuestra mision es ayudar al nesecitado tanto espiritual como materialmente. Es nuestro trabajo y obligacion de traer el mensaje de DIOS a todo humano en el mundo. Hacerle entender a la comunidad y al mundo que la ayuda de dios esta a cerca atraves de esta pagina web.
"Pedid y se os dara, buscad y hallareis; llamad y se os abrira." MATEO 7:7
Our mission is to help those in need, spiritually and economically as well. It is our job as body of christ to preach the word of god and help those in need. Make people around the world understand that gods help is at the reach of their hands through this web page.
"Ask and it will be given; search and you'll find;call and you'' be answered." MATTHEWS 7:7
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